Re: Contra with two valves

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Posted by Brett on June 22, 1999 at 22:04:38:

In Reply to: Contra with two valves posted by Mike on June 22, 1999 at 21:28:11:

First of all, I assume that you are talking about a G bugle. In this case, a bass clef Contra Bass part can be read with the same fingerings as a BBb tuba. This is how most Drum Corps write their music. In my experience with the Cavaliers, we all had 3 valve Deg Dynasty contras, and didn't have to worry about not having the 3rd valve. I am therefore not very familiar with 2 valve versions. We had one contra's 3rd valve break once, and the notes that needed a 3rd valve had to be omitted (C, Db...). If this is not helpful, I apologize for the unnecessary post.

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