OK Mike last one for a while-FREE STUFF!

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Posted by Joe S. on May 14, 1999 at 19:58:48:

I was routing around in a file cabinet trying to find the correct paste-ups for my annual letter to my band instrument rental customers. I consequently came across something that some of you might like to have scanned in for your business cards: I have some originals (sorry, I am keeping the originals) of some Leblanc Corporation "clip art" of instruments. One of the pictures (detailed line art - xeroxable) on the sheet is the old Holton York model. It is the 20" upright bell, the BBb version, and only 3 pistons, but heck, for business card trim, I would say that this is a treasure. I am certain that these are copyright OK to use, as they are out of date, and at the time that they sent them out some 15 years ago or so, they told all of us that we were completely free to use them. If some of you are gifted in the visual arts, maybe you could go bananas and "soup up" the picture. Heck, I'd bet that a "paper" cut-down and conversion takes less time that a 3-D one!

Please don't e-mail me about this and tell me how to scan it and e-mail it to you -- I don't want to fuss with learning how to do that, right now. Some of your computer printers might not offer up as pretty an image as a nice xerox, anyway. If you want a high-quality xerox of it, please send me a stamped, self-addressed envelope within the next week or so, before it gets insane around here. (You'll be rid of me soon enough, Mike.<-Hey guy, want one? You're a York model type of guy, aren't you?) After that, I will probably misplace your request.

Send requests for xeroxes of this picture to:

Tuba Clip Art
Mid-South Music
3589 Summer Avenue
Memphis, TN 38122

If you would like to tell me who you are and what kind of fun you have with the tuba, that would be great. HEY! If a kid gets expelled from school for waiving around a paper GUN, just think what you can do with this!!!

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